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When does Pennsylvania mandate IID installation in a vehicle?

On Behalf of | Nov 4, 2023 | DUI

Driving under the influence (DUI) charges in Pennsylvania can cause a host of challenges. People who plead guilty or get convicted may have to serve time in jail. A judge can order them to pay large fines. They will also potentially lose their driver’s licenses. 

Even after someone with a DUI gets their license back, they may still be subject to certain licensing restrictions. Sometimes, the state judge hearing someone’s case will order them to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicle when they get their license back. 

When is an IID mandatory for someone with a Pennsylvania DUI? 

When they had a high BAC

Police officers will typically administer chemical tests to establish someone’s blood alcohol concentration after a DUI arrest. The standard legal limit for adults in their personal vehicles is 0.08%. 

Those with a BAC of .016% or more, which is double that limit, may be subject to an IID requirement. Even a first-time DUI could lead to an IID installation requirement if someone’s BAC is 0.16% or above. 

When they have prior convictions

The law in Pennsylvania also requires the installation of an IID in the vehicle of a driver with a prior DUI offense. Someone who has reoffended at least once is more likely than a member of the general public to drive after drinking again in the future. IID installation can help people cultivate better habits and may be a part of the sentence handed down by a judge for a second or subsequent DUI conviction. 

An IID can be both inconvenient and expensive. Understanding when the courts can force people to install and pay for these devices may help people make better decisions about how they handle a DUI arrest.