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How to avoid a bogus holiday shoplifting charge

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2024 | Criminal Defense

The stores tend to be jam-packed with shoppers during the holiday season. Statistics say that leads to an increase in shoplifting every year, particularly in urban areas. In general, shoplifting incidents have risen 24% since 2023 – even before the holiday season got started.

That means retailers are on high alert right now, and store security guards are understandably suspicious. A simple misunderstanding can easily lead to a shoplifting charge, so follow these tips:

Be mindful of your behavior

Security guards look for people who are behaving suspiciously. With that in mind:

  • Stay calm and confident: Don’t let your “vibe” make you a target for attention. Walk with purpose, stay relaxed and avoid behaving as if you’re nervous.
  • Don’t conceal anything: Always use a shopping cart or basket, or keep what you intend to buy in your hands where the items can be seen. Tucking something into the pocket of your hoodie or coat as you walk around the store or head toward the checkout can be problematic.
  • Don’t take a crowd: Shoplifters sometimes work in pairs or groups, so limit how many people go with you when you’re browsing. 
  • Request a bag: Don’t skip the bag when you check out, and tuck your receipt either in the bag or where you can get to it easily for quick reference if you’re questioned.
  • Checkout carefully: If you use a self-checkout, be careful. It’s easy to miss a scan when you’re rushed, and that can lead to shoplifting accusations. Ask for assistance if you need it. 

Finally, understand your rights. If you’re accused of shoplifting or questioned and you can clear it up quickly by showing your receipt, that’s fine. If not, remain calm – and remain silent. Anything you say can potentially be twisted against you, so invoke your right to legal representation immediately.