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Were you pulled over for a DUI?

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2025 | DUI

You’re heading home after a long work day and suddenly, you see blue and red lights flashing in your rearview mirror. When the police officer taps on your window, they tell you that they suspect you have been drinking. You assure the officer that you are sober, but they still ask you to step outside.

It can be unsettling to be pulled over by the police on suspicion of DUI. You may feel upset or angry, and be unsure what to do in this situation.

What to do if you are pulled over for a DUI

The best thing you can do in this situation is be calm and polite. The following steps could mean the difference between being sent home or being arrested.

  • Remain silent. After telling the officer your name and providing your license and registration, stop talking. You should avoid answering questions that might incriminate you, such as “How much have you had to drink tonight?”
  • Politely decline to take a field sobriety test. You are not legally required to perform a field sobriety test. If, for example, you have a balance problem or trip over an uneven surface while doing an FST, the officer may decide that there is probable cause to charge you.

If the officer feels there is probable cause to arrest you for DUI, they may take you to the station for a chemical test. Virginia’s implied consent statute requires drivers to consent to chemical testing if they are arrested for DUI. Refusing to take these tests once you’ve been arrested could result in a year-long license suspension for first-time offenders. The consequences increase for repeat offenders. Once you’ve been booked, you should immediately seek assistance with facing the charges.